The All-In-One Grow Kit


Grow 🍄 In 3 Easy Steps

Step 1

Inject bag with our liquid culture.

Step 2

Once colonized, shake and mix up your bag.

Step 3

Harvest and enjoy your mushrooms!

Home Growing Made easy

✅ Simple & Accessible

With our simple to use kits and supplies, we make mushroom-growing easy, fun and accessible to everyone.

Crafted to Perfection

👍 Premium Ingredients

Our all organic and sterile ingredients provide all the nutrients your mushrooms need to flourish and thrive.

Instructional videos

▶️ Expert Guidance

Eliminate uncertainty with first-class customer service and step-by-step instructional videos walking you through every step.

🍄 FAQs

Absolutely not! Start simple with our beginner-friendly All-In-One grow bag and Liquid Culture. They're perfect for newcomers and don't require any fancy tools. As you get the hang of it, you can explore more advanced options.

Mushrooms generally like cool, moist, shady places, with temperatures around 60-75 degrees. Different mushrooms might need more warmth or can handle different humidity levels.

Definitely! With a grown-up to guide them, kids find growing and harvesting mushrooms a fun and educational activity. Plus, they get to see the full life cycle of nature in action!

Yes, mushrooms need some light, but they can’t handle bright sunlight. They do best with gentle, indirect light. If you’re growing them in a dark spot, a small grow light can give them just the right amount of light they need to thrive.

Definitely. Always cook home-grown mushrooms well. If it's a new type for you, try just a little first to check for allergies.

Yes, we love working with stores and farms! We help you get the best supplies for growing beautiful mushrooms. Inquire here to find out if we are good fit for your commercial or retail business!

"Amazing and super easy!"

★★★★★ – Cole B. (Verified Customer)

Growing Success Stories

I couldn’t believe how easy it was to grow my own mushrooms.

Sam M. 

This kit is a total game-changer for home growers!

Jack L.

The quality of the mushrooms and all the materials is unmatched.

Rose S.